Roff Milling

Roff Milling

From Benchmarking to Breaking the Mold

Roff Milling brand strategy and design

a-maize-ing results

Going Against the Grain

In Africa, maize is a staple of more than 300 million people, and the most important food crop in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our client, Roff Milling, has always taken pride in the integrity of its milling machines and the quality of the maize they turn into produce.

Roff approached us to help grow their business both in South Africa and beyond the borders into Sub-Saharan Africa in an industry where benchmarking is symptomatic of tight margins. Magnetic’s challenge was coming up with a brand strategy designed to tap into the power of a purpose that transcended simply competing in sales of maize milling equipment and accessories.

Roff Milling Design Intelligence Roff Milling Design Intelligence

A New Standard for Africa’s New Gold

In Sub-Saharan Africa, maize is a life-giving source of sustenance. Not only is it a cornerstone of nutrition but also a powerful lever when it comes to economic development in both the private and public sectors. Put simply, maize has the ability to energize people, grow businesses, develop communities and help transform countries.

However, the widespread perception of maize milling has traditionally not been one of affordability or ease when it comes to the operational infrastructure required. Furthermore, it is also associated with ‘farming and agriculture’ amongst younger demographics and therefore not deemed aspirational as a career path.

Sub-Saharan Africa has the space and climate to grow maize in abundance. The challenge was in inspiring more people to believe in milling as not only being accessible but also smart, savvy and sustainable. Acknowledging the gravitas of this simple insight led to a cohesive strategy aimed at simplifying the value proposition. We humanized the brand by adding more colour and warmth to the milling machines themselves, and making the end users – the customers, their dreams, businesses and livelihoods – the real heroes of the story.

Roff Milling food beverage south Africa production photoshoot Roff Milling food beverage south Africa production photoshoot

Brand strategy

Designed for Success

From brand strategy through creative development, product strategy, geo-targeting and sales funnel customization - Magnetic Creative partnered with Roff Milling to turn a page and rewrite the script when it comes to milling in Africa. Our simple, inspiring and accessible messaging and content painted a clear, single-minded vision of driving success for people, communities as well as the African continent.

Roff Milling Graphic Design Branding Roff Milling Graphic Design Branding

a-maize-ing brand repositioning strategy

An Approach that Yielded Results

Since the repositioning and rebrand, Roff Milling has experienced substantial growth of quality leads, resulting in a 451% increase in total sales.

Roff Milling Photography On Site Roff Milling Photography On Site

Harnessing the power of emotion to tell the brand story

Roff Brand Video and Success Stories

Roff Milling has been in the maize milling business for almost 30 years. Still, as an industrial brand, it lacked a deeper connection with its audience.

Our challenge was to look at how we could connect functional machines on an emotional level to a perceived disconnected audience – maize millers in rural Africa.

  • Roff Milling food beverage production photoshoot and video Roff Milling food beverage production photoshoot and video
    ROFF R-70
  • Roff-Milling-food-beverage-production-photoshoot Roff-Milling-food-beverage-production-photoshoot
    ROFF C-80
  • Roff Milling Production machinery photoshoot Roff Milling Production machinery photoshoot
  • Roff Milling Production photoshoot Roff Milling Production photoshoot


Social Media Engagement

With a focus on entrepreneurship and economic growth on the continent, we proved that with the right insight and content, you can reach a presumedly ‘disconnected audience’ and inspire online engagement.

Roff Milling Social media Advertising Roff Milling Social media Advertising
Roff Milling Social media Advertising

From machines that drive success, to successful people that drive machines, here are a few impressive results:

  • 408%

    Facebook Fan Growth in 8 months

  • 334,044

    Views on Success Story Video

  • 16,680,874

    Impressions on Facebook Ads in 8 months

Brand Intelligence
  • Research + Discovery
  • Naming + Logo Design
  • Brand Strategy + Development
Creative Development
  • Creative Dev + Messaging
  • Brand Asset Creation
  • Photo + Video Production
Growth Marketing
  • Reporting + Analytics
  • Marketing Activation Plans