Baxter Health

Designing for compassionate care

Rebranding an entire health network

Baxter Health Lifestyle photoshoot

Ushering in a New Era of Care at Baxter Health

Baxter Health, with its rich history dating back to 1963, approached Magnetic to define and artfully express its singular approach to healthcare.

Moving away from the industry's cold and impersonal image, Baxter Health aimed to highlight its dedication to comprehensive, compassionate care—a people-first attitude that sets it apart from other hospitals and healthcare systems.

At the heart of this rebranding exercise had to be a well-articulated brand purpose that resonated deeply both internally with employees and externally with the surrounding community, followed up with messaging and creative that executed the underlying strategy with surgical precision.

Crafting a symbol of care

The New Baxter Health Logo

Working with a brand as established as Baxter Health, aesthetic alone would not suffice. We needed to craft a mark that accurately represented the brand’s ethos and ambition.

Magnetic focused on three core components in its design: the ‘B’ for Baxter, representing the trust and legacy our client had already earned; the ‘+’ sign, universally recognized for health and care; and the number ‘3’, symbolizing Baxter’s trio of guiding principles:

  • Operational independence
  • Comprehensive strategy
  • And a focus on community

Together, these elements form a logo that is both meaningful and memorable, expertly poised to represent Baxter Health in its latest endeavor.

Baxter Health Logo Baxter Health Logo
Baxter Health logo suite on white Baxter Health logo suite on white
Baxter Health logo suite on black Baxter Health logo suite on black
Baxter Health logo suite on blue Baxter Health logo suite on blue

logo adaptability

A Flexible Identity for a Dynamic Future

The adaptability of Baxter Health's new logo, as showcased above, was no accident. Magnetic set out to create a brand identity system poised for growth and evolution so that whether the logo appears on digital platforms, in print, or within the physical spaces of Baxter Health's facilities, it remains impactful and coherent.

The logo seamlessly integrates into different backgrounds and orientations, equipping Baxter Health with a visual identity that not only resonates with today's audiences but is also prepared to adapt to the healthcare challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

Baxter Health brand guidelines Baxter Health brand guidelines
Baxter Health Brand Guidelines
Baxter Health logo application Baxter Health logo application
Baxter health Brochure design Baxter health Brochure design
Baxter Health Rack card design Baxter Health Rack card design
Baxter Health Print ad design Baxter Health Print ad design
Baxter Health Signage design Baxter Health Signage design
Wayfinding design

Brand strategy + intelligence

Laying the Foundation for Sustained Success in Healthcare Branding

Magnetic's engagement with Baxter Health looked beyond the here in now. Instead, we established a set of Brand Guidelines that would anchor the brand long-term. This foundational work included defining a brand persona, "The Impassioned Caregivers," which informed a tone of voice that's both empathetic and authoritative, guiding all of Baxter Health's communications.

The well-defined color palette sought to evoke a sense of calm, trust, and professionalism. These guidelines serve as a roadmap for Baxter Health, ensuring that every touchpoint with patients, employees, and the community reinforces the brand's core values of compassion, excellence, and innovation.

By embedding intelligence and strategy into every layer of the brand, down to its on-campus signage, Magnetic has set Baxter Health on a path where every decision, interaction, and communication is a reflection of its mission to provide Care Beyond Measure.

Baxter Health Clinic wayfinding design Baxter Health Clinic wayfinding design
clinic logo design
  • Baxter health naming Baxter health naming
  • Baxter health naming Baxter health naming

room for growth

Baxter Health, but Built to Scale

Baxter Health’s rebrand was incredibly well-received at launch, but its value will only appreciate over time. As out-of-home activations (below) guide new patients toward compassionate care, opportunities for expansion will naturally arise.

When they do, Baxter Health’s newfound flexible design system lends itself beautifully to lockup logos for sub-facilities and specialty practices (above). 

Baxter Health Billboard design Baxter Health Billboard design
Billboard design
  • Baxter Health bag design Baxter Health bag design
    Bag Design
  • Baxter Health bag design blue Baxter Health bag design blue
    Bag Design
Baxter Health employee uniform design Baxter Health employee uniform design
uniform design
Baxter Health employee badge design Baxter Health employee badge design
Employee badges

Translating Compassionate Care to a Digital Platform

In creating Baxter Health's new website, Magnetic aimed to extend the warmth and care of Baxter's physical spaces into the digital realm. The goal was to craft an online experience where patients feel supported and informed from their first click.

The website, along with other digital activations such as social media and banner ads, serve as a digital extension of Baxter Health's commitment to compassionate care, offering easy navigation, informative content, and resources that reflect Baxter's dedication to patient well-being. This digital platform is designed not just for functionality but to make every visitor and one-day patient feel understood and valued.

Baxter Health Website design Baxter Health Website design
Website Rebranding Application
Baxter Health Paid media design Baxter Health Paid media design
Digital Ads

Led by Baxter Health,
Let it Be About the People

Our collaboration with Baxter Health redefined what a rebrand can accomplish. Every element, from the logo’s design to the user experience of the website, was crafted with the end-user in mind: healthcare professionals, patients, and their families. This wasn't just about aesthetics; it was about ensuring every touchpoint resonated with those at the heart of healthcare.

At Magnetic, we believe putting people first is more than a strategy for healthcare—it's a universal principle for success. This approach breaks down barriers, whether they're industry boundaries, state lines, or language differences.

Ready for a rebrand that prioritizes your people? Let's make it happen. Contact us today.

Baxter Health Building logo design Baxter Health Building logo design
Brand Intelligence
  • Naming + Logo Design
  • Brand Strategy + Development
Creative Development
  • Creative Dev + Messaging
  • Brand Asset Creation