
Bluetooth Speaker Branding

Taking The 'Go Anywhere' Speaker to Market

bluetooth speaker branding and creative development

Branding The “Go Anywhere” Bluetooth Speaker

When FUGOO speakers launched in 2012, it had all the makings of a great product: 40 hrs of battery life, 360º sound, 100% waterproof, unmatched durability, and made by the same people who developed Bluetooth technology.

Yet with no ownable position in an overly saturated market, the consumer technology manufacturer turned to Magnetic to help its brand make some noise. To establish a strategy, develop customer personas and engage them content that connected with them. And here's how it played out...

Making Enough Noise To Be Heard

Brand Strategy: Bringing Intelligence into the Brand Story

At the time we engaged with FUGOO, if you searched Amazon for “Bluetooth speakers,” you’d get roughly 50,000 results. Not exactly a welcome wagon for unknown brands. Nevertheless, the challenge was ours to solve. So how could we differentiate ourselves in a market where price, brand perception, quality, and feature sets vary so little from product to product?

During the intelligence phase, we found a gap in the market research that aligned our bluetooth speaker product with the outdoor lifestyle segment. The audience was looking for products built to outlast the elements like GoPro, Lifeproof and The North Face.

We realized that as we locked into our unique selling proposition, defined buyer personas and identified worthy competitors that we had found their "True North". We discovered a segment of music lovers who were looking for the perfect on-the-go companion and we shifted our focus toward culture, not features.

Targeting a segment of outdoor adventurists and extreme sports fans, we positioned FUGOO as the GoPro of speakers – a Bluetooth buddy that could go anywhere, attach to anything, take a beating and keep on playing your favorite tunes.

  • Fugoo brand photography Fugoo brand photography
  • Fugoo outdoor photography Fugoo outdoor photography
Experience the Ultimate BLUETOOTH Adventure

Designing A Brand For The Go Anywhere, Active LifestyleAudience

We started from the ground up. As the Go Anywhere speaker, FUGOO’s brand creative had to embody an active outdoor culture and resilience in extreme situations. What emerged was a blend of product and lifestyle content that landed FUGOO in major retail aisles and ecommerce platforms.

Fugoo brand development Fugoo brand development
Telling the Brand Story

Creating Bluetooth Speaker Photography For Outdoor Adventurists

Capturing an active outdoor lifestyle comes natural to us, and with our Southern California, South Africa and Colorado locations, we could easily shoot the speaker among beach, mountain, desert, and city settings. Every shot exposing the style, technology and durability of the speaker in real life settings.

We also shot lifestyle in Big Bear, Pasadena, and La Jolla.From our in-house studio, Magnetic’s photographers styled, shot, and produced a bank of product assets that would feed FUGOO’s social media channels, retailers, media, web properties, and print collateral.

Fugoo on location photography Fugoo on location photography
Fugoo beach photography Fugoo beach photography
Fugoo on site photography campout Fugoo on site photography campout
Fugoo on site photography Fugoo on site photography
Fugoo on site photography climbing Fugoo on site photography climbing
fugoo photoshoot production fugoo photoshoot production
Fugoo social media photoshoot Fugoo social media photoshoot

Oh The Places You'll Go And Take Your Music Along

Our in-house production crew set out to capture the brand in action. We believe in the mantra, "show me don't tell me". So our concept: to equip rad people with a Go Anywhere speaker, and get the hell out of their way and capture everything. What resulted was a collection of dynamic brand and product videos that FUGOO used across digital, social, event activations and media.

fugoo brand photoshoot fugoo brand photoshoot
  • Bluetooth Speaker Sizzle Video
  • Social Media Surf Video
  • Wake Surf Social Video
  • Social Skate Video
Creating Demand You Can See And Hear

Designing the Bluetooth Speaker Lookbook

Culture first with authentic product integration. That was our approach to FUGOO’s product lookbook, an award-winning piece of collateral that empowers FUGOO sales teams. The balance of lifestyle, technology, key features, and accessories yielded an award-winning design that’s playful, engaging, and empowering to FUGOO sales teams.

bluetooth speaker lookbook design bluetooth speaker lookbook design
Immerse Yourself In The Vast Digital Ocean

Bluetooth Speaker Website Design & Development

Backed by a new visual aesthetic, tone of voice and messaging approach, we turned to FUGOO’s website. Our goal was to create an immersive brand experience and an easy shopping journey, starting with a thorough UI/UX phase to define user journeys - incoming traffic entry point all the way to the cart.

We covered all the details showing off the lifestyle, educated product benefit pages and drove to a simplified checkout. We sweat little details like CTA buttons that speak our consumer’s language like "I WANT ONE" instead of "BUY NOW". In the end, the simplicity of the site interface and the bold use of content, video, and navigation really brought the brand to life online.

bluetooth speaker website design bluetooth speaker website design
Turning Up the Volume on User Engagement

Creative User Experience Enhancements

To educate and entertain our visitors, we peppered the website with little bells and whistles, like these animated outdoor vignettes that stress FUGOO’s product value. And Spotify playlists to go with every type of speaker jacket. Anything to show how FUGOO is built to go anywhere, and withstand all extremes.

  • Fugoo ecommerce web design Fugoo ecommerce web design
  • Fugoo website development Fugoo website development
Driving Web Traffic Like a Boss

Full Funnel Messaging, Engagement, and Paid Media Strategy

Prior to launch, we dressed the content funnel with progressive messaging, priming the sales experience from point to point. Then layered on a retargeting strategy to retain attention and drive return traffic. We also stressed email capture to feed FUGOO’s CRM platform, which in turn led to more personalized content for subscribers.

After launching FUGOO.com, the response was amazing. Per-page engagement, time-on-site, sales, and overall social interaction was better than we could have imagined. As we continued rolling out FUGOO’s digital strategy, we kept close tabs on the data to evolve and optimize the site, each week learning more about our consumers.

MAGNETIC developed a comprehensive media strategy based on the demographic of outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers. Using a blend of digital, print, and events we hit the market hard, A/B testing messaging and creative to gauge response and adjust brand creative.

bluetooth speaker influencer marketing bluetooth speaker influencer marketing

Bluetooth Speaker Brand Influencers

Adding credibility to our brand, MAG tracked down and coordinated a roster of outdoor sports and activity influencers like Alex Puccio, Caleb Vanwagner, and Ryan Moss. We developed a full brand ambassador program that joined everyone on their adventures and shared in the joy of their individual stories. Start rolling your favorite playlist then click, snap, or mount us onto something and let's go.

bluetooth speaker influencer marketing outdoor bluetooth speaker influencer marketing outdoor
Crashing the GoPro Mountain Games

Event Marketing for the Emerging Bluetooth Speaker Company

We sought out events with the right crowd and outdoor adventure that matched up with the brand. We found the perfect fit at the GoPro Mountain Games. An epic annual event in Vail, Colorado was fertile ground for our event activation strategy. It truly brought FUGOO face-to-face with its core consumers.

We designed an in-booth display experience daring people to dunk a FUGOO speaker and see that it keeps on playing. Plus, we developed a custom tablet application to collect emails from new fans and enter them into event sweepstakes. Pro snowboarder Mason Aguierre hit the streets with the FUGOO girls talking to people, giving away product, and interviewing athletes. We strapped FUGOO speakers to kayaks, stand up paddle boards, slack liners, and rock climbers, capturing everything on video and photo. Overall the event was a massive success, and drove a huge lift in brand affinity, sales and social engagement.

Fugoo gopro mountain games Fugoo gopro mountain games
Fugoo event marketing Fugoo event marketing
Fugoo on site event marketing Fugoo on site event marketing
Good Vibes Always. Creating Friends For Life.

Creating Lifelong Brand Fans

When you believe in a brand as much as we do with FUGOO, it creates a swell of pride and momentum. The partnership with FUGOO marks a pivotal period in our company's growth. We've had our chance to bring quite a few brands to market from the very beginning, but FUGOO holds a special place in our hearts because we didn't just launch it, we lived it. We got to work with a brand that had something to prove and leaders brave enough to follow through.

Plus, being a SoCal agency, we knew the audience because we are the audience. We live in the adventure category, and we’re thankful for the opportunity to do what we do best – create active outdoor lifestyle experiences that drive brand affinity, engagement, and sales.

bluetooth speaker brand design bluetooth speaker brand design
Brand Intelligence
  • Research + Discovery
  • Naming + Logo Design
  • Brand Strategy + Development
Creative Development
  • Creative Dev + Messaging
  • Brand Asset Creation
  • Photo + Video Production
Growth Marketing
  • Reporting + Analytics
  • Marketing Activation Plans